Have you ever gone to The Festival of Trees?! Its SO awesome. It was in Sandy this year. Actually, it might be there every year, but I went for the first time this year..so I'm not sure.. Anyways! Its a really great thing where people decorate trees, make quilts, make gingerbread houses, and bring other things to auction off for a Children's Hospital up here. & The trees are done in honor of kids and some adults who have an illness or have passed away. I'm sure there is alot more to it, but that's just the short story of what I was told. SO. I knew of a tree that was being decorated, and saw one that I recognized! It was really cool. I walked around for a little more than an hour but felt like I could have been there all day reading the stories and looking at everything. They even had a little booths to entertain the kids, food, and different performing acts. Gah, way tight. I would add more pictures, since I took a ton, but I don't have that patience moving them around on here. But. Here are the two trees I knew about, and their stories.This little girl's story can be read here written by her mom: http://kendraandryanwebster.blogspot.com/2010/12/festival-of-trees.html
& This girl's story can be read here: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700072233/Death-of-teen-girl-is-latest-in-string-of-tragedies-for-Orem-family.html?pg=1
I'm sorry if either of those made you cry. They are so sad. But I loved that there were trees for them, because they both sounded like the sweetest girls.
& I'm also sorry if this makes you cry. But I thought I should share it, because it was that. great.
So in Relief Society yesterday, Annie, gave the lesson. Annie's the President. She said she saw this little movie and thought "I HAVE to let my girls see this! Its just what we, as sisters need. The brothers too, but I know its what my girls need to hear right now." So she tried downloading it but couldn't figure it out. So she contacted the lady who made the movie..The woman said it wasn't for sale but that she would send Annie a free copy. Annie was so happy she could hardly stand it. She asked if it could be mailed to her by Friday. The woman asked why the urgency? Annie explained to her about the Relief Society real quick and the impression that she should show us girls. The woman agreed and Annie got it Saturday. (Pause! Now, Rewind.) Saturday night I was working. It was about 11:45pmish and baby Mitch was fussy. He wasn't wanting to eat, but wasn't going to sleep. So as I was walking back and forth rocking him I had the impression to sing some children's songbook songs. So I started with I Am a Child of God, than A Child's Prayer, Mary's Lullaby, and a few hymns to end. As soon as I was done with the first verse of the first song, he calmed down. Then I calmed down, even though I wasn't really frustrated, I was just seriously comforted. He fell asleep so I sat in the rocking chair and continued..as I kept singing the songs, I was thinking about Mitch Jr's family. Everything that they have been going through emotionally, and what a great job they had been doing dealing with it all. Here's Mitch's Obituary http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/azcentral/obituary.aspx?n=mitchell-kent-menlove&pid=144191074 I got emotional and just felt so blessed to be helping out Elizabeth and the kids. Blessed that I still have my dad. Blessed that we have the gospel in our lives. Blessed that I am A Child of God. (Fast Forward.) Sunday afternoon for testimony meeting, Drew or Bishop Menlove, who is Mitch's brother..went first. He gave a strong, heartfelt, pure testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and the many blessings he has received for he and his family. He didn't say anything about Mitch, but the way he spoke about Christ being our brother, it was as if he was basically talking about Mitch. It was awesome to listen to it. (Unpause! Back to RS.) Annie started her lesson by having us read some scriptures about our self worth in our Heavenly Father's eyes. She set up a list in our minds to think about in our lives as we watched this movie. I'm going to now say that you really need to watch this.. Part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtxANzN2Woo & Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4um8qubQh0 I loved this little movie. Most of the women had tears in their eyes as Annie got up, with tears streaming down her face, to close the lesson. She gave each one of us a butterfly button to remind us that we should lift ourselves up and to do the same with those around us. That we are children of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and who cares about our well being. I know I'm not doing her lesson justice, but I hope you get the point. The spirit was tugging on my heart and it felt like I had a warm fuzzy blanket around me. Best. Feeling. Ever. In those 24 hours, my testimony has been strengthened and has grown, because I wanted that comfort. The Lord wants us to be happy, so when we are open and willing, he is ready and able. When I am told "Cortney, you're amazing." Or "You're beautiful." Or "You're an amazing person." My first thought is to dismiss it with a "Ha, whatever." Or "Yeah yeah" But if they are saying it, and the Lord knows it, why shouldn't I believe it. It was a little turning point for me. A little growing and understanding moment. & It was just for me. This time of year is my favorite. And I love that its another reminder to count your blessings.
Sorry this is kinda long. Just thought since I was on a roll with the posting, I'd keep in going.
Two more things.
1) I got to go with Caity to The First Presidency Christmas Devotional at the Conference Center last night. It was beautiful! The messages were awesome. And the music was amazing. :)
2) I went to the Mavericks & Jazz game on Friday. We won, 93 to 81..that's right. I was wearing my Mavs gear and got some trash talk coming towards me and behind me. But at the end of the game, I turned around just gave them a little smirk and walked out of that place proud to be a Texan. :)
P.S. 12 more days til I'm in Texas.
Thanks for reading.
Peace up. A-Town down.
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